Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Follow Up: Bishop Tobin Lectured on Hardball and What Can We Do to Support the Bishop!

In a follow up to a story to the one I put on here yesterday, seems like Bishop Thomas Tobin in under attack for his letter to Congressman Patrick Kennedy. He went on MSNBC Hardball yesterday and was rebuked and lectured in an insulting interview by Chris Matthews, also a Catholic. See the Interview and story here.

Also Judie Brown of the American Life League made some comments about the letter. She also gave some ideas about how we can show our support for Bishop Tobin.


Take action:

1. Thank Bishop Tobin for his courage in standing up for the truth and for his concern for Congressman Kennedy’s soul. Contact the bishop’s public affairs manager, Karen Davis (call 401-278-4600, fax 401-278-4659 or e-mail kdavis@dioceseofprovidence.org), or write to this address:
Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, D.D.
Diocese of Providence
One Cathedral Square
Providence, RI 02903

2. Contact Congressman Patrick Kennedy to let him know that you are praying for his conversion to truth. E-mail him through his congressional web site, call 202-225-4911, fax 202-225-3290 or write to this address:
Representative Patrick Kennedy
407 Cannon House Office Building
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

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